2.2. Vietnamese New Year plants & flowers

  • Peach blossoms: Being one of the iconic trees in Vietnam in spring, peach blossoms represent growth, love, and weddings. People believe they can ward off bad luck, so they often display peach blossom trees or branches during the New Year.
  • Apricot flowers: With their bright yellow color, apricot flowers symbolize prosperity and good fortune. Having these flowers of Vietnam in full bloom during Tet is thought to bring luck, good health, and success in business.
  • Kumquat tree: This kind of tree is all about luck, peace, and attracting good things. That is why many families and businesses choose to have them around during Tet.

Giving Vietnamese fruits as Vietnamese New Year gifts is a meaningful tradition. Fruit baskets symbolize abundance in both food and wealth, but it is important to enjoy the fruits quickly as they do not last as long as other gifts for Tet. You can also find watermelons or pomelos with meaningful words crafted or stuck on them. These fruits not only look beautiful but are believed to bring happiness, luck, wealth, and prosperity to the people who receive them.

  • Take the time to understand the recipient’s preferences and needs. This makes it easier to choose a thoughtful and useful gift, rather than giving something they will not appreciate.
  • Some items are considered bad luck, like sharp objects, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, shoes, and all-black or white items. Steer clear of these to ensure a positive reception.
  • While unique gifts are appealing, don’t forget that the main purpose of a gift is to bring joy and be useful. Avoid gifts that may seem interesting but serve no practical purpose.
  • The appearance of the gift matters too. Ensure your Tet gift is aesthetically pleasing and well-presented. A beautifully wrapped gift basket, for example, will impress your guests and show thoughtfulness.

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